Thursday, March 13, 2008

Substation layout

Hey Guys,

I had at look at the floorplan amy mentioned today in class, there are like a millon rooms, which area of the gallery will we be exihibiting in?? there's the corridor which could be problmatic with traffic flow, a large multipurpose space on level 3, as well as another couple of gallery spaces?


Wayne Baker said...

Hey Tara I wouldn't worry too much about it I'll sort that out when I speak to Darren from The Substation. The corridor areas are quite large. It's no comparison to something like First Site or many other commercial galleries - it is very spacious when compared to other venues.

I'm going to try and arrange a meeting at the venue with Darren over the weekend. Whatever I manage to arrange I will post/email so if anyone wants to meet there at the same time so they can ask questions, etc, then that would be great.

Wayne :)

Sandra Morrow said...

I have been out to the Substation again today, and checked out the hallway and it won't be a problem for viewing work at 16 x 20 frameage or with opening night.

The floor plans on the website are only "proposed" none of the works are done other than the ground floor.