Saturday, March 15, 2008

Red Gallery Alternative

Following Wayne’s email about Tara's suggestion I contacted the Red Gallery & spoke to the gallery manager Max Steed (who is in awe of our program by the way).

The Red Gallery is situated at 157 St. Georges Road, Fitzroy North, 3068 (Melways Ref: 30B12 - there is car parking available in nearby streets) with Trams 11 and 112 (tram stop 21 just north of Edinburgh Gardens) & Bus 504 (Reid Street).

Max assures me that the Red Gallery would be of a suitable size for our exhibition - they held the RMIT Fine Arts Grad show there last year. He did not balk at Phred’s expected 200 – 300 people or the 80 to 100 16”x20” pieces. We would need to book the entire gallery (the 3 spaces) so the price would be $3800 plus $270 for postage. They would require a $300 deposit but do not require a complete application. We would need to sit down with them to sign the proposal, however.

Opening nights are normally conducted on a Thursday 5pm - 7pm so it would have to be the 13 November. They have a bar that we can put a tab on for the evening (beer & wine $4, mineral water $2) and we can bring in our own caterers as long as we clean up afterwards. The benefit of a bar tab is that we wouldn’t have to pay for alcohol we haven’t used and we wouldn’t run out of it either.

Exhibitions must run for 3 weeks & the gallery’s normal opening hours are Wednesday - Saturday 11:00pm to 5:00pm

Quite a few things are included for the rental price such as sitting the gallery and supervising the sale of the works. The inclusions provided for the cost are listed below from their website:

red gallery will:

§ mail out your invitation to red gallery’s mailing list

§ provide a listing in Art Almanac and periodically advertise in art journals

§ prepare a media release

§ supervise the gallery and sale of work

§ organise opening night and provide bar staff

§ provide assistance with preparation of artist/s bio. details

§ provide installation advice

§ provide basic tools and materials to return walls to their original state

§ provide public liability insurance

§ provide access to red gallery’s web site.

As exhibiting artist, you are responsible for:

§ installing your exhibition

§ dismantling your exhibition

§ printing your invitation cards

§ arrangements and cost of insurance (except public liability insurance)

§ arrangements and cost of transporting your work

§ returning the gallery space to pre-exhibition condition on time.

Another benefit of the Red Gallery is:

The gallery comprises three spaces which can be utilized separately, or as one total space. A ceiling height of 3.8m provides ample space for large works. Each gallery space has good natural light as well as an adjustable low voltage track lighting system. Gallery one is fitted out with a track hanging system.

ceiling height is 3.8m
gallery 1 walls are brick with a track hanging system
gallery 2 walls are plaster board
gallery 3 walls are plaster board
all exhibition spaces have an adjustable tracking lighting system that takes both low voltage and 240v lights

This space was actually booked during the time that we have available for our opening night, however, they have kindly moved things around to have the gallery available for us if we so desire. The main stipulation is that the majority of the works will be available for sale. They take a 22% commission but when you think about the fact they are doing the sitting of the gallery and doing the selling of our work, a commission is understandable.

My personal opinion is that a gallery of this type would give a better, more professional impression to the invited industry guests plus we would be made known to the gallery’s substantial mailing list.

Further details


Wayne Baker said...

Hi all.

So Red Gallery is available to us then Charmion?

I'd also like to have a look at a space suggested to me by a friend who produces the Gallery Watch program for Channel 31. It's at the basement of The Convent in Abbotsford and is run as a contemporary art space:

I've also attached a proposal guidelines document that has some further details in it.

After having visited The Substation yesterday (Saturday) and chatting with one of the volunteer staff there, I'm starting to think that the venue may not be as suitable as first thought for a number of reasons. One being that the building works will be taking precedence over exhibitions (once the works start) and the wheelchair access is not available without some work on the exterior fencing (as Justine mentioned in her email). There would also need to be some wall preparation (painting) and the lighting is OK but not ideal and would need some additional work to make it suitable.

Tara and I also looked at Dante's Gallery on Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, however I'd pretty much rule that out as there is no wheelchair access and you're stuck with the venue's catering and alcohol provision which is quite expensive.

So Red Gallery is definitely up there if we can get it and everyone agrees. As I mentioned I think the Abbotsford Convent space may also be worth a look, but if we can book Red Gallery now I say go for it - we can't afford to wait much longer.

Hopefully we can have a discussion about this on Monday, immediately after the conclusion of the morning's session.

Bye for now.

Wayne :)

tarz said...

Having a bar tab at dantes is really no different to having one at red gallery, or anywhere else.
I think the access there poses the biggest problem, has anyone been to red gallery? what is the access like there?

Wayne Baker said...
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Wayne Baker said...

Agreed Tara however the lack of wheelchair access kills it. Spewing - I liked Dante's - very classy. I had plans of sitting in the lounge and getting way smashed. ;-)

At least at Red Gallery we can hire our own caterer, giving us the ability to negotiate a better deal with the catering. Personally, I think catering and booze is a luxury. It seems like a cliched thing for exhibition openings to have food and booze on offer. I'm not going for food and booze, I'm there for the work and to meet people. Sure, the other stuff is nice, but I'm not too fussed about it - just my opinion.

So yeah - I like the idea if using Red Gallery. It's open Wednesday at 1100 - I'll be there to check it out at about 1240, after work, if anyone wants to meet me there...

ta ta.

Wayne :)

PS - what's with this 'no class' on Thursday? Ridiculous. How are we supposed to get anything done when there's so many DAMNED HOLIDAYS!!!

PPS - we should've been discussing galleries LAST YEAR - a note for this year's 2nd year students and the lecturers.

end rant