Thursday, March 13, 2008

Phone, Framing, Invitations, Needless chatter

Hi all, thanks for setting this up...but we who use blogs, facebook etc need to remember that others dont so we need to make people aware of anything discussed here when we come to class.

Just a few thoughts:

I know last year there was a hassle with a few people making tons of phonecalls for the exhibition preparations and having big bills. A suggestion here is to buy a prepaid mobile which can be at uni specifically for this, and a log book for all calls made - any thoughts?

Another option for framing is one I enquired about last year...
My old boss in Tassie (John Temple) is happy to offer his framing workshop for use for no cost. That means I would do the framing (& I'd be happy to show you examples) in Tassie at cost price. I would fly there, do the work and ship the frames/matts back (This could easily be done in a weekend). This would give the options of different size works / different mouldings / matts which work better for different images if we decided to go that route for a bit more "individuality" as someone has wished for. As I'm part time, this wouldn't put me under stress as it might have if I'd been full time.
Anyway - that's just another option and don't feel you might make me unhappy if you say no, I'm easy but it would possibly give more options and still be cheaper than anything else. Again, the deal would be advertising for John Temple...

Also just thought I'd whack the substation web site here in case we're looking for it.

As for invitations, personally I hate emailed invitations, I think they look cheap, I reckon a classy one with a fridge magnet is the way to go, it's more likely to be remembered/attended.

Sandra's sister in law sounds a good route for the catering, hopefully she can tell us more about this in the future.



Wayne Baker said...

Sounds good Phil. A quote would be good for the framing if u could get it. Will we have to mount images ourselves when the frames come back? Shipping for 90-ish frames from TAS me be expensive, u may wanna look into that also. But hey if it can be done cheaper and better then I'm all for it.

My mate is offering standard black frames with the same matt board for all. Very similar (if not the same) as what was on show last year. I think what we need to decide is whether or not we have all frames/matts/etc standard across the board similar to what I saw at last year's exhibition or whether we can individualise on those things. Would that include image size also? Would it be fair for some students to be exhibiting larger works if they can afford to whilst others who may not be as financial cannot? Personally I would love to be able to throw up 6 A2 images but I think we need to set a standard and stick to it, which makes planning for the final event a whole lot easier also I think...

Cheers. :)

Wayne Baker said...

P.S. - totally agree about the email invites thing - was something that my friend suggested that she could also arrange for us if required but yeah as you say I do prefer the idea of a nice DL size flyer or something like that... :)

Anonymous said...

I think both sytles of invites are needed for industry flyers would be nice and its nice to also have flyers to give to family and friends, but i think we also need an email invite even if its simply just a scan of the flyer that way it makes it easier to reach more people and no-doubt insititions like the ITP will forward the invite for us.
As far as different sized images i think i would be good to standize them however this could be dependant on what people those as there folio topics of example if someone whats to do EM then the prints will have to be smaller.

Wayne Baker said...
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Wayne Baker said...

Hey Tara. With regards to smaller image sizes, you can always mount a small image in a large frame - looks good when done properly... ;-)

I think the email template would be a good idea also as I have a large list of people I would like to send invites too but the cost of postage would be over $500 so email would be the way to go for a fair chunk of the invites, purely from a cost perspective, with the printed and mailed invites reserved for industry, family, close friends, or whatever...

bye for now :-)

Elyssa Iona said...

I think going with Wayne's source for frames is a better idea, it may seem like a good idea to do it yourself now but when the time comes Uni will be in full swing and I feel it is too much pressure to put onto one person. Lets face it, $40 per frame is a bloody good deal and it also takes the stress and pressure of getting that organised out of our hands.

I reckon a classy one with a fridge magnet is the way to go

I believe this is an oxymoron, but hey if you think it will get a few extra people coming along go for it. It won't hurt to have an email invite sent out too.

Wayne Baker said...

I was just talking to my housemate and he's going to try and screw his supplier on the price for the raw materials for the frames so may be able to get them cheaper. He's also told me that if people want anything custom done it's no problem, maybe 5 bucks a frame extra or something. Can also do different colour frames for the same price as the black, same style of frame though.

He's going to give me some samples to bring into class (you know those corners you see hanging up in the art shop) and a full frame with a matt to show what he can supply.

Totally in agreement with about the 'less stress is best' idea Ely.

Going to get some Indian takeaway tonight fkn yeah! :)