Thursday, April 3, 2008

Email to Red Gallery 18/03

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 9:32 AM
Subject: RMIT Scientific Photography Graduate Exhibition

Dear Max,

Thank you for getting back to me on Saturday, so quickly following our initial discussions on Friday, 14 March.

I was able to put forward the Red Gallery as a venue option at our Monday meeting and it was quite well received. The majority of class do wish to view the gallery before any final decision is made, however.

One issue that was raised was the use of the bar during our opening night - we may have the opportunity of a sponsor providing us with the alcohol for our opening. The class wishes me to ask if we would be able to take advantage of this offer instead of using the gallery's bar?

Thank you once again for your assistance with our planning.


Charmion Phillips
3rd Year Student
B. Sci. - Scientific Photography
RMIT University

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